About 400 billion gallons water is used worldwide each day.

The moon is one million times drier than the Gobi Desert.

Earth travels through space at 66,700 miles per hour.

From a distance, Earth would be the brightest of the 9 planets. This is because sunlight is reflected by the planet's water.

Asia Continent is covered 30% of the total earth land area, but represent 60% of the world's population.

The Persian Gulf is the warmest sea. In the summer its temperature reaches 35.6 degrees centigrade.

Louisiana loses about 30 square miles (78 square kilometers) of land each year to coastal erosion, hurricanes, other natural and human causes and a thing called subsidence, which means sinking.

Sunlight can penetrate clean ocean water to a depth of 240 feet.

The total surface area of the Earth is 197 million square miles.

Only 3% water of the earth is fresh, rest 97% salted. Of that 3%, over 2% is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers. Means less than 1% fresh water is found in lakes, rivers and underground.

The world's deadliest recorded earthquake occurred in 1557 in central China, more than 830,000 people were killed.

The deepest depth in the ocean is 36,198 feet (6.9 miles or 11 kilometers) at the Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean well south of Japan near the Mariana Islands.

Angel Falls in Venezuela is the worlds highest waterfall, The water of Falls drops 3,212 feet (979 meters).

About 540 volcanoes on land are known. No one knows how many undersea volcanoes have erupted through history.

In 1934, a gust of wind reached 371 km/h on Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA.

A huge underground river runs underneath the Nile, with six times more water than the river above.

Average 100 lightning strikes occur worldwide every second.

Earth is tipped at 23 and 1/2 degrees in orbit. That axis is what causes our seasons.

Earth's atmosphere is actually about 80 percent nitrogen. Most of the rest is oxygen, with tiny amounts of other stuff thrown in.

The deepest hole ever made by humans is in Kola Peninsula in Russia, was completed in 1989, creating a hole 12,262 meters (7.6 miles) deep.

Each Wonder (in 7 wonders) has its own intrigue. Historian agree that the Pyramids stood the test of time, the Lighthouse is the only Wonder that has a practical secular use, and the Temple of Artemis was the most beautiful of all Wonders.

Groundwater comprises a 30 times greater volume than all freshwater lakes, and more than 3,000 times what's in the world's streams and rivers at any given time.

Each winter there are about 1 septillion (1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 or a trillion trillion) snow crystals that drop from the sky.

The greatest tide change on earth occurs in the Bay of Fundy. The difference between low tide and high tide can be as great as 54 ft. 6 in. (16.6 meters).

The hottest planet in the solar system is Venus, with an estimated surface temperature of 864 F (462 C).

The sunrays reached at the earth in 8 minutes and 3 seconds.

The Arctic stays black and fiercely cold for months on end. In the High Arctic, the sun sets in October and does not rise again until late February.

The Angel Falls in Venezuela is the world's highest waterfall (979 meters / 3212 ft.), three times the size of the Eiffel Tower.

The largest recorded snowflake was 15in wide and 8in thick. It fell in Montana in 1887.

Only 11 percent of the earth's surface is used to grow food.

The industrial complex of Cubatao in Brazil is known as the Valley of Death because its pollution has destroyed the trees and rivers nearby.

The gravity on Mars is 38% of that found on Earth. So a 100 pounds person on Earth would weigh 38 pounds on Mars.

One-tenth of the Earth's surface is always under the cover of ice. And almost 90 per cent of that ice is to be found in the continent of Antarctica.

American Roy Sullivan has been struck by lighting a record seven times.

The age of the earth is Loudly proclaimed by the scientific establishment of evolution believers and the mass media as being around 4.6 billion years old.

The blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, is the largest known animal ever to have lived on sea or land. Individuals can reach more than 110 feet and weigh nearly 200 tons, more than the weight of 50 adult elephants.

The water that falls on a single acre of land during one inch of rainfall, it would weigh 113 tons that is 226,000 pounds.

Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest continent on Earth.

The largest eggs in the world are laid by a shark.

Earth's oceans are an average of 2 Miles deep

The most dangerous animal in the world is the common housefly. Because of their habits of visiting animal waste, they transmit more diseases than any other animal.

Monaco is the Highest Density Country of the world, 16,205 people per square k.m. live in Monaco.

The temperature of Earth increases about 36 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) for every kilometer (about 0.62 miles) you go down.

Rain has never been recorded in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile.

Life began in the seas 3.1 billion to 3.4 billion years ago. Land dwellers appeared 400 million years ago, a relatively recent point in the geologic time line.

The people who live on Tristan da Cunha are over 2,000km (about 1,300 miles) from their nearest neighbours on the island of St. Helena. That's nearly as far as Moscow is from London.

The Earth is the densest major body in the solar system.

The Peregrine Falcon around 200mph (320 km/h) is the fastest bird on the planet, the top speed recorded is 242.3mph (390 km/h).

The flower with the world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds.